Before we even started searching, I had it in mind to get a ram lamb from one of the Hampshire Down breed’s high-performing flocks: Henry Derryman’s Yarcombe flock in Honiton, Devon. I’d always admired his sheep and some years ago he imported some New Zealand bloodlines, which have given them a fantastic length of body (meaning good, meaty chops!). So in late September we drove down to make our selection – and what a choice we had! Henry had brought all the rams into his stock shed for us to view, about 30 in all. My initial thought was, “They all look amazing, how on earth do we select one from this bunch?” but after a while a few started to catch my eye, so we penned the ones that I liked the look of, and then went through the bunch.
Oh, I nearly forgot, we named him Yarcombe Maximus – a name to live up to!
Some years ago we took a bunch of older ewes to market, but having seen the massive triple-decker livestock lorries lined up outside, we decided that we’d prefer to take them directly to our small, local abattoir, rather than abandon them to an unknown fate. An increasing number of sheep, especially older ewes, are now slaughtered by Halal or Kosher no-stun methods, whether destined for the ethnic market or not… but perhaps the ethics of modes of slaughter should be saved for another day!
Meanwhile, my attention was caught this week by a news item on the radio: the Swedish Parliament has announced its intention to initiate a cull of wolves. Once numerous, by the 1960s the wolf was believed to be extinct in Sweden – but by the 1980s the population had begun to recover, starting with individuals believed to have migrated from Finland. Now a protected species, the population has grown and farmers are loosing livestock to wolf attacks, despite having spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the construction and maintenance of predator fences.
In Sweden and France, as in England, there are strong opinions on both sides: those vehemently against culling wildlife, and those who deem it necessary to enable farming to continue, which it must if we are to feed our growing human populations.
Inevitably, as human populations expands into territories that were previously wild, there will be increasing conflict worldwide between man’s interests – be they farming, housing, industry or leisure – and the preservation of wildlife in its natural habitat. If it’s beyond our wit to realise how vital these thing are to our humanity, and to find a way to co-exist, then perhaps we should relinquish the right to be called Homo Sapiens.
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