The beautiful autumn colours hung on through most of November in our corner of Gloucestershire, looking slightly incongruous against the summer flowers that were still in bloom. But it was nice to be out in the garden in shirtsleeves, in this, the warmest November on record.
Pregnancy scanning can also alert you to flock infertility or abortion problems if a high proportion scan as barren. We’ve never had a problem with ewes aborting *touch wood* and a couple of years ago had the flock blood-tested for Toxoplasmosis (all clear). We keep a ‘closed-flock’ so the risk of Enzootic abortion is minimised, but, as domestic cats can transmit Toxo, all flocks are potentially as risk.
Most of this year’s spring-born lambs have gone off for slaughter by now, apart from the ones we’ve ear-marked to join our breeding flock next year. We have to be very realistic as a pedigree breeder, unless they are exceptional, they won’t find a buyer. Sadly, although we had some really super ram lambs, they’re just not up to ‘champion’ standard, which means a trip to the abattoir.
I’ve had many discussions about keeping entire ram lambs destined for meat production, and the question of ‘ram taint’ is often raised. We’ve never castrated our ram lambs. It requires careful management – separating them from the ewe lambs at weaning, making sure we have good fencing, and sending them for slaughter within 12 months of birth, or before they show obvious signs of sexual maturity. We’ve never had any problem with rams fighting, or with ‘ram taint’. In fact, “a significant proportion of male lambs slaughtered in the UK are entire”, according to the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), who in their 2008 Report on the Implications of Castration and Tail Docking for the Welfare of Lambs, recommend that, where management standards are sufficiently high, male lambs are left entire on welfare grounds.
If you’re planning to produce lamb, it’s essential to know how to select a good lamb for slaughter, nice and meaty without too much fat (and by the way, be firm but gentle or you will bruise the carcass):
- Feel around the base of the tail (dock) – you should be able to feel the individual vertebrae (bones) using moderate pressure
- Feel across the loin (where the body narrows in front of the hip bones) – you’ll feel the spine at the top and the transverse processes, which project sideways from the spine, about a hand’s width to either side – have a picture of two nicely covered loin chops side by side in your mind, and you’ll get the idea!
- The ribs will have a soft covering of fat, but you should be able to feel them individually
- Check the brisket (breast) – it should be firm with no more than a finger’s pinch of fat
Carole Youngs of The Smallholder Series has written a thought-provoking article for the winter edition of Practical Sheep, Goats & Alpacas magazine, about how to breed and manage sheep in the most environmentally friendly way.
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